Calling 999

A 999 call should be made by someone who requires immediate assistance from the police, ambulance, fire department, or coast guard. Your child should always phone 999 as soon as they witness a situation that requires rapid medical treatment.


When speaking with an operator on the phone, your child should keep the following in mind:

  • To communicate clearly and calmly
  • For them to provide their name, address, and phone number
  • To provide the shortest possible summary of what has happened
  • Not to hang up the phone until the operator gives the all-clear

Make sure your child understands how to phone 999 and what to say should they ever need too. There are various ways to accomplish this:

With your child, rehearse the emergency speech they might need to use

Using a toy phone or the buttons on your actual phone, you can role-play this. Make sure if using a toy phone, the buttons are easy for them to operate, otherwise they may not know which ones to press in a real 999 event.

Make sure your child can recite off-hand their address and phone number

This way, if they forget them in an emergency, they won’t have to panic. Children should always have something to focus on in an emergency, such as a specific task or question they may put to the operator. They can stay focused and in control by doing this.

Tell them what each emergency services does and why it’s crucial to call 999 in the event of a fire, for instance

In an emergency, it will be easier for them to choose which service to call if they are aware of what each one does and why it is important. However, in most cases, this shouldn’t be necessary because the operator will be able to instruct your child on what to do next. Instil the idea that calling 999 is only appropriate in an emergency; otherwise, your youngster should put the phone down and come find you or another adult. Keep in mind that the most crucial things are for your child to stay safe and call emergency services as soon as they can if they need assistance. You may help ensure that kids know what to do in an emergency by preparing them beforehand. Children should learn the 999 emergency number at a young age since it might one day save their life or the life of another person.

Why it’s critical to teach kids about home safety

Children should be taught about home safety since it can protect them from potential dangers. Knowing how to call 999 in an emergency and what to say, as well as being aware of fundamental health and safety precautions for when they’re at home alone, will significantly improve their level of safety. You can be sure that your child will be able to look after themselves and seek assistance if needed. The proper use of household appliances, how to call for assistance in an emergency, and what to do in the event of a fire should all be taught to children. You can help your child stay safe by teaching them about home safety. This knowledge could one day save theirs or someone else’s life.